Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dreaming is Free

As someone who has had the privilege of spending time in the Dream State, I no longer approach dreams in the same way most people do.

Of course, the main point of being a super hero is that I am quite unlike "most" people. Still, that is not what I am trying to say.

I know, for example, that all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. Besides being a famous riddle, it is also a hint to the truth of nature. Let me put it another way. Dreams can come true (it can happen to you, if you are young at heart). I am certain you have heard that statement before. But have you really thought about what it means? Is it nothing more than a "fluff" piece about only children can properly hold onto dreams?

Yes, and no.

You see, the biggest problem that happens to children is... they grow up. And in doing so they are "molded" by society to forget what they knew in their hearts as children: that Reality is not the opposite of Dream. It is the flip side of it. Are your dreams any more real to your waking self as your waking self is to your dreams? Ah, the conundrum.

What does all this have to do with what I wanted to say tonight? I am actually not quite certain of that myself! Truthfully, I simply wanted to share the fact that I have recently found myself "chased" in my dreams. Every night (or rather, every evening) for the last week I have awakened with the feeling of something clutching my chest. My limbs, tired and shaky, feel as though we had run a city marathon.

If I were to dismiss this as nothing more than a dream, the question would be: "Why have I been dreaming of being chased?". Never once did I ask myself if I was the one doing the chasing. It has always been that I have been chased. Of course, as I attempted to explain at the start of this post, as a hero who has been on the Other Side... I know more about Dreams than I can publicly share. Thus, the true question I ask myself is, "Who is after me?"

I can only imagine it to be the Ancient Evil. Thus, the dreams are portends of doom. Hence, it is time for me to launch the offensive. My secret weapon must be revealed, soon, before the situation gets out of hand.

I must take a moment and ponder. For that, I have need of coffee. French Vanilla!

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